Siirry sisältöön

Informacije o YetiCare

YetiCare aktivira, spodbuja in stimulira

Zdravstvena tehnologija YetiCare spodbuja smiselno življenje s spodbujanjem kognitivnih in fizičnih funkcij tersocialnih interakcij, s ciljem izboljšanja psihološkega počutja. YetiCare je bil razvit v sodelovanju z zdravstvenimi organizacijami, strokovnjaki in uporabniki.

YetiCare je pionir vključujoče tehnologije

Od leta 2015 smo v ospredju spodbujanja digitalizacije za osebe s posebnimi potrebami. V domove za ostarele smo uvedli YetiCare tablično napravo z operacijskim sistemom Android za pomoč pri upravljanju in interakciji.

An older woman touching Yetitablet's screen

Zdravstvena tehnologija YetiCare

YetiCare je zdravstvena tehnologija, ki s trenutkiveselja, dosežki in gojenjem občutka enotnosti povečuje dobro počutje ljudi vseh starosti.

YetiCare je edinstvena kombinacija velike tablice in programske opreme za uporabnike s posebnimi potrebami: Yetiitablet je robustna tablična naprava z Googlovim certificiranim sistemom Android (EDLA) z vmesnikom, ki je enostaven za uporabo, ter vsestranskim izborom aplikacij YetiApps, razvitih za rehabilitacijo in aktivacijo uporabnikov.

Za več informacij se obrnite se na prodajno službo YetiCare:

Become a reseller

Reseller application form. Fill in the blanks. We aim to respond within 1-3 business days.

Reseller application form – Partner Network

YetiCare Channel Partners, System Integrators, Distributors, Resellers, and Agents play an important role in our sales organization – providing local sales, maintenance services, and other support to YetiCare users in Care homes, Day activity centres, Hospitals, Neuropsychiatry, Rehabilitation clinics, and Educational Institutions.

We want to recognize and support our partnerships and collaborations – combining YetiCare’s unique and industry-leading product with our partner’s local knowledge to drive incremental customer success, growth, and revenue. We are looking for agile partners after a broader meaning and cause. We seek experienced & motivated partners who want to contribute and positively impact society! A good business match will deliver mutually positive results for many years.

We appreciate Your:
– willingness to train & educate
– solid experience in support
– ability to take our products with you (requires a van)
– capability to handle the sales process
– eagerness to organize demo events in your region
– readiness to attend the best industry events

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