
Explore YetiCare’s health technology at upcoming events!


Get ready to dive into the world of YetiCare’s innovative health technology solutions at main events across Scandinavia. Learn how our technology can support professionals in the care sector and how it can affect the well-being of older adults and people with special needs.

Join us at these professional gatherings, meet our partners and get to know YetiCare’s technology.

Event Schedule:

MTek in Norway, Asker

  • Date: January 23-24, 2024
  • Location: Asker, Norway
  • Booth: Vilmer, our esteemed reseller, will showcase YetiCare’s technology. Tom Erik Åsen will be available to discuss and demonstrate our solutions.
  • Date: January 24-25, 2024
  • Location: Stockholm, Sweden
  • Booth: F:08
  • K-IT Sweden, our reseller in Sweden, will have a dedicated space to showcase YetiCare’s health technology. They will answer your queries and provide insights.

Kehittyvä Vanhustyö in Espoo, Finland

  • Date: February 8, 2024
  • Location: Espoo, Finland
  • Booth: 
  • Meet YetiCare’s team and learn more about our solution. Our team will be available to provide detailed information and demonstrations.

Autism Winterdays (Autismin Talvipäivät) in Tampere, Finland

  • Date: February 9-10, 2024
  • Location: Tampere, Finland
  • Booth: YetiCare is excited to have its booth at this event, where our experts will showcase our technology tailored for autism care. 
  • YetiCare’s CEO, Maria Jokelainen, will be a featured speaker, sharing valuable insights during the event. Maria’s presentation is on Friday at 13:30 (Sali 2).
Images from the events where YetiCare is being presented.